How to Explain Dockerfile to Your Boss, Do You Know the Right Ones?

What is a Dockerfile?

Before we get into what a Dockerfile is, it's vital to understand what a Docker image is.
If you're new to Docker, read this article to learn about Docker commands and virtualization.

Docker Image

A set of instructions for making a container. When these instructions are followed, a Docker container is created.


It is a document or file containing various commands that are assembled to form a container.

The steps are listed below!

  1. First, we must create the image from a Dockerfile.
  2. Run the container containing the image.

Set the base image.

—>FROM [base image] —> FROM ubuntu 

Set the container's working directory.

WORKDIR [dir] —> WORKDIR /usr/src/app

Execute a container image command.

—> RUN [cmd] TYPE rpm install -serve into the command prompt. 

Files should be copied into the container.

COPY [local file/directories] [container files/directories]

COPY ./display ./display

Inform that the post should be made public.

—> EXPOSE [port] —> EXPOSE 8080 

Set the container's default value.

CMD [exec format recommended] —> CMD [“default command”, “arguments”]

CMD [“node”, “serve”]

Test yourself with this quiz

  • What exactly is Docker?
  • What exactly is a Docker image?
  • What is the difference between docker --version and docker version?
  • What exactly is a Dockerfile?
  • What exactly is a Docker Container?
  • Docker Image Commands: What Are Some Examples?
  • Use Cases for Docker Images?
  • What are Docker Image Repositories?
  • How Do You Make a Docker Image?

Also, take a look at the interview questions in this Java thread:

πŸ‘‰There are many ways to create a thread, and which is the best option to
    create a thread create a thread and explain it with a scenario?

πŸ‘‰When we trigger the Java command, how many threads are going to be
    created? Explain it?

πŸ‘‰ How do I change the main thread priority? What are min, norm, and max

πŸ‘‰ Explain wait(), notify(), and notifyAll()?

πŸ‘‰ How does multithreading work? What is the purpose of multithreading?


In this article, we learnt about Dockerfile, Docker image, and Dockerfile commands, as well as how to use them.
Continue reading for the most recent upgrades and approaches for learning Docker commands that every developer should know.
Chandra Sekhar

A Blogger and Author! This post was written and edited by me, a technologist. I started this site to share my inspirations, work, and free materials, which I hope others may find useful as well. Man with a creative streak who enjoys experimenting with various web design strategies.

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