It is Data Base Management System(DBMS) concept in which is used to get the information from two or more tables.
Types of Joins:
Inner Join/Equi Join:
when you use inner/equi join ,then only matching records between both the table will display.
select cname, email_id, dob from customer cust, orders ord where cust.cid=ord.cid;
SQL> select cname,email_id,dob from customer cust, orders ord where cust.cid=ord.cid;
Left Outer Join:
When you apply left outer join on two table Customer and Orders then query return N matching records from both the table & remaining records in left side table(i.e table Customer).
select cname, total_qty, total_price from customer c, orders o where c.cid=o.cid(+);
select cname, total_qty, total_price from customer c, orders o where c.cid=o.cid(+);
SQL> select cname, total_qty, total_price from customer c, orders o where c.cid=o.cid(+);
--------------- ---------- -----------
rakesh kumar 3 200
rajiv shyam 2 350
sunil jha 7 150
vijay goal 2 180
vijay goal 2 180
raman shyam
--------------- ---------- -----------
rakesh kumar 3 200
rajiv shyam 2 350
sunil jha 7 150
vijay goal 2 180
vijay goal 2 180
raman shyam
select cname,total_qty,total_price from customer c left outer join orders o
on c.cid=o.cid;
on c.cid=o.cid;
Right Outer Join:
When you apply left outer join on two table A and B then query return N matching records from both the table & remaining records in right side table(i.e table Orders).
insert into orders values(99,'12-may-2004',02,350,1002,'ACTIVE');
select cname,total_qty,total_price from customer c, orders o
where c.cid(+)=o.cid;
where c.cid(+)=o.cid;
SQL> select cname,total_qty,total_price from customer c, orders o where c.cid(+)=o.cid;
select cname,total_qty,total_price from customer c right outer join orders o
on c.cid=o.cid;
on c.cid=o.cid;
SQL> select cname,total_qty,total_price from customer c right outer join orders o
on c.cid=o.cid;
insert into orders values(99,'12-may-2004',02,350,1002,'ACTIVE');
Full Outer Join:
when we apply full outer joins on table Customer & Orders then it gives the matching records from both the table Customer & Orders, remaining records from left side table i.e Customer, remaining records in right side table i.e Orders.
Full outer Join= Inner Joins + Outer Joins.
select cname,total_qty,total_price from customer c, orders o where c.cid(+)=o.cid(+);
SQL> select cname, total_qty, total_price from customer c, orders o where c.cid(+)=o.cid(+) where c.cid(+)=o.cid(+).
*ERROR at line 3:
ORA-01468: a predicate may reference only one outer-joined table.
ORA-01468: a predicate may reference only one outer-joined table.
from customer c full outer join orders o on c.cid=o.cid; select cname, total_qty, total_price.
SQL> select cname,total_qty,total_price from customer c full outer join orders o on c.cid=o.cid;
--------------- --------------- --------------
rakesh kumar 3 200
rajiv shyam 2 350
sunil jha 7 150
vijay goal 2 180
vijay goal 2 180
rajiv shyam 2 350
raman shyam
--------------- --------------- --------------
rakesh kumar 3 200
rajiv shyam 2 350
sunil jha 7 150
vijay goal 2 180
vijay goal 2 180
rajiv shyam 2 350
raman shyam
Self Join:
In self join only one table will be there ,the same table will be join to itself.
SQL> select * from empl;
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 a 2000 3
2 b 3999 3
3 c 1000 5
4 d 222 6
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 a 2000 3
2 b 3999 3
3 c 1000 5
4 d 222 6
select emp.ename,mgr.ename from empl emp,empl mgr
where mgr.empid=emp.mgrid;
where mgr.empid=emp.mgrid;
SQL> select emp.ename,mgr.ename from empl emp,empl mgr where mgr.empid=emp.mgrid;
------- ----------
a c
b c
------- ----------
a c
b c
insert into empl values(05,'e',111,04);
insert into empl values(06,'f',199,03);
SQL> select emp.ename,mgr.ename from empl emp,empl mgr where mgr.empid=emp.mgrid;
---------- ----------
a c
b c
c e
d f
e d
f c
---------- ----------
a c
b c
c e
d f
e d
f c
6 rows selected.
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