14 Advices That You Must Listen To Before Learning Java And DevOps.
Do you know it's great for beginners who want to progress from basic to advanced? Let's get started right now and improve our skills with these simple strategies.
Overspending on education and institutions, Simply by following the tips on the site, you will be able to upskill yourself using simple instruction and strategies.
Part 1: DevOps
The following content is intended for DevOps specialists.
- Kubernetes
- Linux & Commands
- Git
- Docker
- Maven
- Tomcat admin/deployments
- Jenkins
- SonarQube
- Nexus Repository
Part 2: Core Java
1. Basic setup and running of the HelloWorld programme
- History and features
- Types of software
- Installation and environment variables setup
- Path settings
- Develop the HelloWorld programme and run
2. OOPS concepts
- Inheritance
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
3. Members in a class
- variable
- Method
- Block
- Class
4. Packages and access levels
5. SIB, IIB, and Constructors
6. Method overloading and overriding
- Eclipse
8. Casting and final keyword
9. Exception Handling
10. Threads
11. Object class
12. String class
13. Collection API
14. File handling
That's all about core Java, and we'll move on to advanced concepts.
For more details, you will find it on the YouTube channel, and you will find related articles.
In this, I've given you an in-depth course overview on Core Java, and for DevOps professionals, there's a lot more to explain, so we'll learn. If you have any difficulty, send your query.