SSH Key Generation: Why it's Important for Remote Work

 SSH key Generation For AWS Ec2:

   keep pressing enter until generating. 

Read:  Video tour will help you on that?

#ls -la  ~/.ssh
cat ~/.ssh/  -->copy that code
take key  &
git login-->settings-->SSH and GPG keys-->
                                             SSH-->add new -->paste and save it. and 

Once you are done with saving & you can execute below command                                
#ssh -T
          its going to create known_hosts in .ssh folder .

Now Instead using https we can use ssh URL to push our code to GitHub remote repository.
ssh -T
To check which url mapped use
#git remote -value
To add ssh url use below cmd
#git remote add [alias name] [url]
#git remote add sshurl
#git remote -v
Now you can push your changes to git remote repository using ssh url.
#git push sshurl master.

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Chandra Sekhar

A Blogger and Author! This post was written and edited by me, a technologist. I started this site to share my inspirations, work, and free materials, which I hope others may find useful as well. Man with a creative streak who enjoys experimenting with various web design strategies.

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