Navigating the Linux File System: A User's Perspective

Linux File (or) Directory Structure

Step 1: @Register with aws 
While registering, visit AWS Management Console for further information.

Step 2: Create an Ec2 instance on AWS using the following video.
How to Create AWS EC2 Instance

Step 3: Convert the pem file to a PPK file (only for Windows).To convert a PEM file to a PPK file, watch this video

How To Convert PEM file to PPK file

Step 4: Finally, connect your EC2 server.  
In most cases, we can say: It is referred to as -folders in Windows. In Linux, this is referred to as -directories.

Assume you're utilising a work laptop with only one drive labelled C. 
Similarly, we can claim that C drive is equivalent to Linux drive.

#1 Professional Guide To Linux Commands For Normal Users

/ – Root
 /bin – User Binaries
 /sbin – System Binaries
 /etc – Configuration Files
 /dev – Device Files
 /proc – Process Information
 /var – Variable Files
 /tmp – Temporary Files
 /boot – Boot Loader Files
 /lib – System Libraries
 /opt – Optional add-on Applications

Q:Difference b/w /bin and /sbin directory?


This directory contains executable programs which are needed in single user mode and to bring the system up or repair it.


Like /bin, this directory holds commands needed to boot the system, but which are usually not executed by normal users.


This is the primary directory for executable programs. Most programs executed by normal.

Fundamentals of the Linux file system

Users which are not needed for booting or for repairing the system and which are not installed locally should be placed in this directory.

In Linux We have 3 types of users

Root user /super user /admin
Only one user can exist one Linux machine.
When the root user is created? 
While installing Linux OS root user created.

Normal User
N number of users can have one Linux OS
When normal user will created?

After your Linux OS up and running then root user is going to login and create.

System User

N number of system users can have one Linux OS
When system users are going to create?
When u r installing any software that software is going to create system users.


We don't mind about system users & we do talk about root and normal users.

Chandra Sekhar

A Blogger and Author! This post was written and edited by me, a technologist. I started this site to share my inspirations, work, and free materials, which I hope others may find useful as well. Man with a creative streak who enjoys experimenting with various web design strategies.

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